Friday 2 April 2010

B-Side Recording


Over the past few weeks we've been preparing the release of our debut album Life Stream. This includes things like sorting out press, radio pluggers, tours, music videos and launch parties. In amongst all of that, we've been recording a b-side to go with the first single Finders Keepers, to be released June 14th.

We've been recording it in our drummer Jamie's lovely new analogue studio:

First we had to spend a bit of time working on a guide track because the song has the odd extra bar and speeds up. After we'd done that Jamie working his magic on the drums:

Then Ad came in to do bass:

The following day it was time for me to do my shredding:

Then I did some vocals:

Sadly we forgot to take photos of the other exciting things like Harmonium, Ukulele, Electric Guitar, Glockenspiel and Electric Piano. I think we got too carried away with experimental mic techniques. Sorry.

The following day Becca came up to do tinkle the ivories:

And add some vocals:

And we're done! Tracklaying is all finished, now we just have to mix and master it. Next up, Jamie is remixing Finders Keepers and we're heading back into the studio where we recording Life Stream to make a radio edit. We're also rehearsing lots ahead of our tour in May.

Thanks for reading. And don't forget you can pre-order the album here:

Tim and Sam x

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