Monday 9 March 2009

Tim and Sam's new HQ


We've been busy beavering away behind the scenes so we thought it'd be nice to let you know what's been going on. Here's a bit of background info:

We've been rehearsing and recording demos in the spare room of my house since we formed. You can see what it looks like here:

As you can see it's a bit of a squeeze!

We recently decided to try and get a bit more room. The plan is to move to the upstairs of my house. This involves converting two bedrooms and a hallway into one big room! Pretty exciting.

As we're on a pretty tight budget, I've done most of the work myself. This first thing I had to do was remove all the doors, and then we made a start on demolishing the stud walls.

Here's some pictures of the progress:

Look how manly I am!

You wouldn't mess.

It took three days to remove all of the doors, walls and carpet. This is what remains:

Despite my obvious man skills, we've got to wait for the builders to come in now. They're going to remove the supporting wall and replace it with wooden post. They're also going to sort out the electrics and do some plastering.

Once that's done I'll update the blog with more developments. Hopefully by the end of it the room will be big enough to start filming some of our rehearsals and things like that.


Builders are still working, but progress has been made:


We're done! Once the builders finished we spent a few days painting, carpet laying and putting up hooks. Check it out:

Thanks for reading,

Tim and Sam x


rbsn said...

Oh my god, it's beautiful :)

Nolan Micron said...

Pity the poor neighbours!