Wednesday 3 December 2008


We thought it would be nice to make a round-up of all of the reviews we’ve had of the Put Your Slippers On EP so far. Enjoy!

DieShellSuit: “Lovely cheery melodic post indie rock, with what seems like a complete lack of pretension and a very down to earth feel.Highly recommended.” 9/10 <

The Fugitive Motel:“Seemingly seizing on any new tool in the musical family, beautifully constructed melodies compete with each other for the listener’s full attention. You can follow any of them for as long as you wish, or take a step back and appreciate the way they combine to make a totally satisfying whole.” 5.0/6.0

Huddersfield University Student Newspaper: “From the endearingly silly name down to the playful and astonishingly pretty details of their music, Tim and his very able band-mates seem to come from another Britain altogether, a sweeter and more thoughtful place, with this sensibility woven through their heartfelt and cinematic instrumentals.” 9.0/10

CMU Music Network: “'Stepping Stones' is a beautiful acoustic highlight, although truthfully every song is a joy. Composed by a patchwork orchestra of eclectic instruments and tied together in the band's indie-inclined roots, 'Put Your Slippers On' is pretty, magical and rich; an emblem of DIY chamber-pop delight.”

Isthismusic?: "Tim and Sam’s… are a band, that specialise in songs which are immensely and impossibly beautiful. The violins join in on title track, ‘Put Your Slippers On’, it’s one of the finest moments of any song I’ve ever heard.These guys are pretty special."

MEN: “The Manc oufit make music as snug as a warm winter blanket; all folk-drenched pastoral psychedelia, like a mix of Sigur Ros, Belle And Sebastian and Sufjan Stevens, with an extra sprinkling of ethereal wooziness.”

MP3 Hugger: “ ‘Join The Dots’ is an unbridled success as much for the emotions it inspires as the instrumentation, which is both fragile and adventurous.”

Organ: "Lovely indie-flavoured light delicate simple clever post-rock and gorgeous drops of fresh rain in the sun and jumping over stepping stones and badger sets and all warm and organic and wholesome and good” SINGLE OF THE WEEK

Planet Sound: “Brings back summer.” 7/10

Student Direct: “This is the epitome of summer music - and if it’s not summer, listen to it and you’ll never care about what’s going on outside.” 4/5

Subba-Cultcha: “A pastoral symphony of textures and colours played on everything that makes a noise.”

Supersweet: “‘Put Your Slippers On’ weaves an aural tapestry of naivety and maturation. Their songs cajole the senses into a comfortable state of comatose for what is ultimately an ethereal listen.”

ThisisfakeDIY: "Tim and Sam haven’t stuck to the norm really, choosing instruments which are better suited to the BBC Philharmonic rather than an indie-folk band, but the fusion of classical (flute, clarinet, piano, glockenspiel and violin) and modern (guitar and percussion) works wonderfully well, and partly contributes to their quirkiness.”

ToxicPete: “These instrumental renderings, are wonderfully constructed, gentle and sensual works of fluid and organic 'scores' or mini-symphonies. Post-rock maybe but, there's nothing at all stark, angular or obtuse about this EP. What's offered here is gently lilting, softly flowing, cosseting and easy on the ear. A classy and very well structured EP of excellent modernistic music for the heart, mind and soul."

You can order the EP here:


Tim and Sam x

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